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Winter Home Preparation

Here comes winter... are you ready?

Get your house prepped before you regret it. Here are a few things you can do. #BetterSafeThanSorry

Winter Home Preparation BODEK INC. Binghamton Cold Frozen Problem Emergency Heating

GIVE YOUR HVAC SOME TLC Change your filters. Vacuum your heart ducts, baseboard units, registers and radiators to ensure they warm air can flow freely.

MAKE PIPES A PRIORITY Use pipe insulation on exterior and unprotected pipes, open cabinet doors so they are exposed to warm air, and drip lukewarm water from faucets to minimize the chances or a pipe freeze.

PLUG THE LEAKS Caulk, insulate or weatherstrip areas where warm air escapes. These places are often – outlets, attic hatches, windows, and door frames.

GET OUTSIDE TOO Clear your gutters, trim tree branches, disconnect hoses and turn off exterior faucets to minimize potential damage.

In the event of an emergency here in the Southern Tier of New York, you know you can count on us at BODEK INC. for all of your plumbing, heating, cooling and septic problems. Just give us a call, 24 hours a day, 7 days of week (holidays too!) and we'll be there to help!

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